Thursday, May 24, 2012


  • When she’s upset, listen, listen, listen. Resist the urge to offer advice unless she asks for it, and don’t get defensive. Just listen, and show her that you are trying to understand. If she is upset with you, don’t just try to give her a hug like nothing happened. If you approach her like you understand what she is saying, that you will try harder (really mean it), and that it will be alright she will be willing to accept your gesture more easily.

  • Don’t try to fix everything. Men are fixers, but women don’t want us to fix everything. They sometimes need to do that themselves and just need you to listen.
  • Husbands and wives live together but make sure you spend enough quality time together. This means laughing, talking, just having fun together. Make her see that wherever you are you feel like home when you are with her.
  • Praise your wife in public, but if you notice something you’d like to comment on, please find a private moment. Don’t criticize! Make concerns known in a diplomatic positive way. It is VERY important to women about how they look to other people. Do Not make her look like the “bad guy” or that there is something you don’t agree with (even if there is). The appropriate time to discuss those matters is when it is just the two of you, not in front of people when she will be embarrassed. In public make sure everyone around you knows she is your girl! Hold hands whenever possible, kiss, hug, open the door for her etc. To her you are letting everyone know you’re off the market.
  • Be aware that she may not perceive love the same way you do. Quality time, gifts, physical touch, verbal affirmation, and acts of service are the different “love languages” you and your wife might have - make sure you find out what hers is, and speak her love language, as often as you can.
  • Discuss your financial dreams together and research and plan to achieve them together.
  • Tell her what you think, don’t assume she knows. When you think she looks nice, tell her, when you are thinking you are lucky for having her, tell her. She does not assume these thing to be true and needs to be reminded often.
  • Try to endure their nagging. It’s their way of letting out their frustrations.

(Found this article on Love and Marriage)

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